Nina Bellucci


Painting, Printmaking, Collage

Artist Statement

My current studio practice consists of a few different modes of working, including drawing, cutting, painting, and gel printing. I attempt to maximize my time in the studio by having different stations for making available in order to jump right into working. The works I have produced in the last few months include stacks of gel prints, in which I play with color, layers, and stencils; and a ton of cut out shapes, such as clouds, grids/nets, music symbols, leaves, hands, and letters, all created from a personal language that has evolved over the last fifteen years. The part of my practice I look forward to the most is playing with all of these parts to see how many combinations I can come up with. Much like putting together a jigsaw puzzle, this process involves a lot of trial-and-error, bringing the pieces together until I find a good fit. The resulting series of collages, entitled “Daily Affirmations”, utilizes this process of combining imagery to address my own anxieties about losing time and growing older. The series also communicates positive and sometimes concealed messages about, ironically, taking more time to look, to wonder, and the benefits of being present.
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