Nancy Rich



Artist Statement

My interest in photography is not new. In 1960, on my 7th birthday, I received a Kodak Brownie camera. My father ran the neighborhood pharmacy and black & white film processing was one of the services offered to customers. The money I earned working at the store went towards making photographs. Since retiring in 2016, following four decades as a school administrator, time and my camera offer me infinite opportunities to channel my creativity and passion to make images that bring me joy, beauty, and a sense of wonder. I have always had a voracious appetite to figuratively wrap my arms around most anything I see. The camera helps me do this. I want to understand what makes things tick and the science behind their being. Taking photographs on a second-grade trip to the Bronx Zoo was my first experience behind the camera melding together my burgeoning curiosity and interests. For as long as I can remember, a particular draw for me has been the captivating and unpredictable movement of water. It inspired three of my major collections, Nor’eastern Dinghies, Sea Sculptures, and Glass, Liquid, and Ice Capades. Portraiture, travel, and macro photography inspire much of my other work. Each type of photography feeds my need to explore, experiment, and learn.
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