James C. Varnum



Artist Statement

James C Varnum I am an abstract and non-representational painter and my works are internal, interpretive visualizations brought to paper and colored by my senses and feelings. My paintings are combinations of layered colors, movements and various textures on traditional watercolor papers and on yupo. I use a variety of materials to create texture: plastic wrap, masking fluid, salt, alcohol and water. I paint with various utensils including brushes, spray bottles, straws, tiling tools and palette knives. These utensils have provided me with spontaneity and a freedom of movement. I have experimented with removing paint from my pieces using rags and brushes with clean water. I use the knife to remove paint, manipulate the surface of the paper, and layer colors to create depth in my work. The process of painting is intensely emotional and a give and take relationship emerges in my work. I start with my ideas about color, texture, line and composition but in the end the paper and paint speak to me and guide me. My paintings are my interpretation of what I sense and feel. My intent is for viewers to create an association, an interpretation of the painting that triggers a personal narrative.
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