NAA Annual Salon Event: Art During the Pandemic
This has been a unique, difficult and challenging year for everyone on so many levels, and artists have undoubtedly noticed the influence this pandemic has had on their own creativity and artistic output. Many of the world’s artists have been providing us with moving, uplifting, heart-wrenching and funny ways to get through this extraordinary time together.
Please join us for our annual NAA Salon Zoom Event, where we will address the topic of Art during the Pandemic. In particular, we will focus on how this year has influenced or inspired our own artistic expression. In what ways, if any, has our focus shifted or our output changed? Given we have been apart for the majority of this year, this interesting and stimulating conversation will surely bring us closer together.
Date & Time: Sunday, January 17, 2021 2:00–4:00 p.m.
A Zoom link will be sent to all those who register.
In addition you will receive a Dropbox link to upload images,
should you wish, of the work that you have created during the pandemic
(limit 2 images each)
Registration is limited to ten people.
Please email Myra Abelson at msmyralee@verizon.net to be added to the guest list.