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CALL FOR ART: Women’s Card Room

March 9 - March 30
Woodland Golf Club would like to invite artists to exhibit selections of their work. These will be displayed in our Women’s Card Room, which is located within the Women’s Locker Room. This room has excellent wall space. Many women use this card room throughout the year, and it is an excellent place to show small and midsized pieces.

Venue: Woodland Golf Club, Newton
Call for Art: March 9 – 30
Jury Review: April 1 – 15
Notification of Acceptance: April 15

Exhibit One: (May 7 – July 31)
Hanging: May 7
Take Down: July 31

Exhibit Two: (August 1 – October 31)
Hanging: August 1
Take Down: October 31

This is a juried-in exhibit. Your submissions will be juried by Woodland GC House Chair, Anne Nowill, NAA President, Cindy Cole and NAA Exhibits Chair, Garrow Throop.

Artists my submit up to 5 works with titles, sizes and prices.
Two artists are selected for Exhibit One, and two for Exhibit Two. (Note: Not all pieces submitted may be chosen).

Selected artists need a QR code to scan their information. They are responsible for hanging and taking down their paintings. They must sign the WGC waiver  and confer with the House Chair, Anne Nowill about any details.

• This show is open to all Newton Art Association members in good standing.
• 2-D works limited to 36” wide and 42 inches long. No 3D works permitted

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March 9
March 30
Event Category:


Woodland Golf Club
Newton, MA + Google Map
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