2025 Annual James King Bonnar Exhibit

Call for art: Monday, January 27 – Friday, February 14
Exhibit Dates: Monday, March 3 – Wednesday, April 30

SUBMISSIONS DUE BY: Friday, February 14

  • This show is open to all Newton Art Association members in good standing. Limited to 55 entries.
  • 2-D works limited to 36” in width and 42 inches in length for 2D work 
  • 3-D works will be placed in glass covered shelves and must not exceed 11” deep. Applications will be accepted online only.
  • Entry Submissions of $25.
  • Refrain from submitting work that may be considered offensive or otherwise inappropriate for the library. Works can include non-frontal nude figures that are discreet. If you have questions, please send the image to exhibitions@newtonartassociation.com. Put “2025 Bonnar Show” in the subject line.
  • There is a 20% commission taken by the NAA on all sales.
  • Participants may only submit original work, completed in the past 3 years, that has not been shown in previous NAA shows. No reproductions of original work.
  • Artwork images should be a minimum of 1200px on the longest side at 72 dpi. And saved as .jpg (.jpeg) No files larger than 3MB.  Images must be titled as follows: Last_Name_First_Name_Title_Media_Size_Price_Year. For example: Throop_Garrow_Landscape_Watercolor_18x24_$500_2023 (Please use underscore between each word)
  • There is a size limit of 36 inches in width and 42 inches in length for 2D work
  • All work must be wired: no saw-tooth hangers or pinch-clip frames. Wires should be tight and attached with screws to the frame.
  • For framed work larger than 24 inches glass may not be used. Instead, members must use Plexiglas or comparable “acrylic glass.” Pastel work excepted.
  • Frames should be neutral colors (white, black, silver, gold, wood), and mats must be white, off white, gray, or other neutral tones.
  • Unframed stretched canvases must have the sides painted or otherwise finished in a manner coordinated with the work, and must be dry.
  • Label back of artwork with: Artist name, title, media, and price.
  • Work must stay up until the end of the show.
  • Drop off and pick up art promptly at the scheduled date and time or make arrangements with others to pick it up on your behalf. No storage space is provided. NAA or the Morse Institute are not liable for unclaimed artwork.

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